Office of Clinical Studies

Student Teaching Checklist
The student teaching experience is the DTGSS experience for all teacher preparation programs. Please use the checklist below to ensure that you complete the following tasks before and during the experience.
The Semester Prior To Student Teaching
- Submit the student teaching application for your program. Your program coordinator will contact you about the student teaching application process.
- Complete your clearances for student teaching, which depend on the state in which your placement resides.
- Check to be sure that you meet the grade point requirements for your program.
- ETE/ECE teacher candidates sign up for Coteaching Launch & Pairs Workshop.
During Student Teaching
- Follow the student teaching manual and/or guidelines for your teacher preparation program.
- Review the student responsibilities, which includes the Dispositions Policy and Student Code of Conduct.
- Wear an approved ID badge at all times. This badge will be provided by the site or consist of a lanyard that you can purchase from the UD Barnes and Noble bookstore and your UD ID card.
- Introduce yourself to the site leadership (e.g., principal, head of school).
- Your field instructor and clinical educator will assess you during your student teaching experience. You will receive formative feedback throughout the placement and receive a summative evaluation at the end of it. The three-way midpoint and final conferences enable the field instructor and clinical educator to explain their ratings on the Teacher Candidate Capstone Clinical Experience Evaluation form. You will also provide self-ratings on this form at the conferences.
- You will need to gather information regarding safety procedures for your site.
After Student Teaching
You will be able to download a copy of your student teaching evaluation for job applications from Taskstream.